One of the biggest fears you and your family may have when planning to go home is what will happen if there's an emergency. Your doctor, home care planner or medical social worker can help you and family members prepare for emergencies. They will go over with you what situations might come up and the procedures for getting help quickly. They can also instruct family members in appropriate first aid procedures.
For your own peace of mind, you should follow a few procedures as soon as you get home:
• Prepare a card listing the telephone numbers of your doctor, pharmacy, ambulance service, fire department,
police and a close relative or friend. Keep the card by the telephone.
• Prepare a self-care card recording important facts about your condition and medications. You may not always
be able to reach your own doctor and if you or your family have to explain things to another doctor on call, you
may get confused or lose valuable time if vital information isn't at your fingertips. The self-care card should
include your name, diagnosis, the treatment you've been getting, which chemotherapy drugs you've been on,
any other medications you are taking, any allergies you may have, the names of other doctors involved in your
care and your blood type, if available.
What to Do If an emergency does arise, you or your family members should follow three basic principles:
1. Stay calm. Remember that help is always available and will usually arrive within minutes of an emergency call.
2. Determine the problem and call for help. Check the pulse rate to see if it is fast, slow or irregular. Check for
breathing problems, changes in mental state, new pain or sudden increases in pain, nausea or vomiting, or